Uncovering My Confidence: Balancing Cultures Podcast

Uncovering My Confidence – Third Culture Kid Adaptability in Workplace Culture

Third Culture Kids are often adaptable. 

But adaptability can be both a help and a hindrance. 

Moving every 2-4 years gave me the instinct of assimilation. In school, this helped me adapt to each new environment. But once I was old enough to choose life myself, I was still following other people’s lead. In the workplace, I felt off balance and took years to uncover my core values and what I wanted from life. 

In this episode, I talk to Balancing Cultures Podcast host Meghan Kitchin about my international life, and how I took my TCK adapting skills from anxiety inducing to confidence boosting. 

Check out more of the Balancing Cultures episodes here.

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Creative Mornings Talk #Liminal

When we find ourselves in transition between projects, ideas, or phases of life, often we can end up occupying the liminal space for much longer than we’d like.

This space is usually characterized by low energy, ineffective working patterns, increased stress, and unhealthy behaviors. In our attempt to remove ourselves from the discomfort of this emotional space, we turn to problem solving to try and figure out how to move forward, but this rarely helps us make the transition from what has been to what will be. In this talk I explore why it’s so important to get comfortable with the unknown, and use transition periods as an opportunity to look inward and get curious about how we may have changed so that we can move forward with purpose. As additional material from this talk, please download the Liminal Worksheet to help you work through your own transitions.

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